#include <iostream>
#include <ibase.h>

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	isc_db_handle    hDb = NULL;
	isc_tr_handle    hTrn = NULL;

	char* sql1
	  = "CREATE DATABASE 'E:\\db\\test.fdb' USER 'SYSDBA' PASSWORD 'masterkey'";
	if (isc_dsql_execute_immediate(status, &hDb, &hTrn, 0, sql1, 1, NULL)) {
		cerr << "Failed to create dadabase. status=" 
		     << isc_sqlcode(status) << endl;
		return 1;
	if (isc_detach_database(status, &hDb)) {
		cerr << "Failed to detach database. status=" 
		     << isc_sqlcode(status) << endl;
		return 1;
	char* sql2
	    = "CREATE TABLE sample1 ( ITEM1 NUMERIC(4), ITEM2 CHAR(4) )";
	char* dpb = NULL;
	short dpbLen = 0;
	isc_expand_dpb(&dpb, &dpbLen, isc_dpb_user_name, "SYSDBA",
	               isc_dpb_password, "masterkey", NULL);
	if (isc_attach_database(status, 0, "E:\\db\\test.fdb", &hDb, dpbLen, dpb)) {
		cerr << "Failed to attach dadabase. status=" 
		     << isc_sqlcode(status) << endl;
		return 1;
	if (isc_start_transaction(status, &hTrn, 1, &hDb, 0, NULL)) {
		cerr << "Failed to start transaction. status=" 
		     << isc_sqlcode(status) << endl;
		return 1;
	if (isc_dsql_execute_immediate(status, &hDb, &hTrn, 0, sql2, 1, NULL)) {
		cerr << "Failed to create table. status=" 
		     << isc_sqlcode(status) << endl;
		return 1;
	if (isc_commit_transaction(status, &hTrn)) {
		cerr << "Failed to commit transaction. status=" 
		     << isc_sqlcode(status) << endl;
		return 1;
	if (isc_detach_database(status, &hDb)) {
		cerr << "Failed to detach database. status=" 
		     << isc_sqlcode(status) << endl;
		return 1;
	return 0; 
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